Prepare for Your Soul Winning Ministry
"Everything Rises and falls on Leadership." - Dr. Lee Roberson
Pastor, Lead the Way
Let your people know you are constantly winning people to Christ. Introduce the people you have led to Christ to
the congregation. Don't be shy about this. You are not bragging. You are showing the people that God is
working. Part of being a leader is being an example. You are the example.
Take church people with you when you go soul winning.
Keep the Subject of Soul Winning in Front of Your People
Mention something about soul winning in every sermon. Make "soul winning" part of your normal vocabulary.
In every service, pray for people to be saved. Keep the responsibility to win souls in front of your people.
Use soul winning stories as illustrations in your sermons. Keep the responsibility
in front of your people every week.
Get Your People Involved in Evangelism
Gospel Tracts
Get a supply of Gospel tracts that explain the Gospel clearly and keep them in a rack in the foyer of the
church. Make sure the church address and phone number are printed on the tracts. Encourage your people to use them.
Teach them the ways they can use them:
- Leave a tract with the tip when eating out
- Give a tract to the cashier when shipping
- Leave tracts in restrooms and other public places where people can find them and pick them up.
- Put a tract in the envelope when paying bills, etc.
Soul Winning Training
Teach a soul winning class. If people don't come to the class, use a few sermons to teach it. The purpose of the
church services is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. (Eph. 4:11-12).
Great Commission Expectancy
Share William Carey's life motto and his story.
Expect Great Things from God. Attempt Great Things for God.
Encourage your people to expect great things from God and to attempt great things for God. Soul winning a great
thing for God.
Likewise, I say to you, there is joy
in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents
Luke 15:10
Great Commission Commitment
Challenge your people to believe God for at least one soul in the next 12 months. Make a big thing of this. It
IS big. Very big.
My Great Commission
I will believe God for 1 soul to be saved through my testimony in the next 12
- I will pray and ask God to lay the names of 5 unsaved people on my
- I will Carry a list of them in my Bible to remind me to pray for them.
- I will pray for them every day.
- I will ask God to give me an opportunity to speak to them
- I will pray for the boldness to speak to them when the opportunity
- I will invite them to the special evangelistic events at the church.
- When they get saved, I will take responsibility for following them up and
helping them get activated in the Christian life and in the church.
_____________________________________ _____________
What Not to Do
Let your people know that this does not mean...
- They don't need to call their 5 people and witness to them immediately. They do need to begin praying
earnestly immediately, and they need to pray for them every day.
- They don't try to present the Gospel to their 5 every time they see them. That would drive most
people off.
- They don't invite them to church, except for the major evangelistic events. That way they are not inviting
people every week or every month. Also, they have a special reason to invite their prospects. It's much more
natural. Also, the special events will have been bathed in prayer for 13 weeks, and they will be planned to
interest and communicate to lost people.