He had everything a lot of guys dream of. Fortune. Fame. A beautiful movie star for a wife who truly loved
He was the hottest movie star and recording artist in the Philippines. Everybody wanted to see him. To touch
him. Especially the women. . . .
He was known as the Elvis Presley of the Philippines. That was in the 60's. There is probably not a Filipino
baby boomer alive who can't sing some of his songs and tell about his movies.
Everything was going his way, or so it seemed. On the inside, however, was that emptiness gnawing at
him. There was something missing in his life. And all the fame and fortune in the world couldn't satisfy that
He tried everything. Sex, booze and drugs didn't help. He even tried religion. Yes, religion. That didn't help
Then a friend shared the secret of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A short time later, he
entered into that relationship, and his life was changed forever.
By now you probably have two questions.
1. If this is about Jesus, isn't this religion?
It is true there are a lot of religions about Jesus. Most of these religions only teach about him. They
don't teach a person how to enter into a relationship with Jesus.` Eddie tried more than one religion
before He entered into the relationship. Religion didn't work for Eddie. Jesus did.
2. Why is it a secret?
It really isn't a secret if you read the Bible first hand. Since most people don't know the Bible, to them it is
a secret.